今天j9九游会游戏美术外包公司的小伙伴给大家推荐Unity3d插件:冬季冻土带-冰和岩石包 Winter Tundra - Ice & Rock Pack
j9九游会机译:支持Unity 2019.3、高清渲染管道、通用渲染管道和标准。导入软件包后,请按照自述说明进行操作。URP和标准版本的示例场景仅提供部分支持,没有HDRP版本那么完美。
英文官方原文:Supports Unity 2019.3 , High Definition Render Pipeline, Universal Render Pipeline, and Standard. After importing package, follow README instructions. Example scenes for URP and Standard versions are partial support only and are not as polished as HDRP version.
j9九游会机译:Winter Tundra-Ice&Rock Pack是一个由140项资产组成的庞大集合,从地面开始建造,以充分利用高清晰度渲染管道。这些资产经过精心雕琢、纹理处理和优化,以创造美丽且性能优良的环境。
英文官方原文:Winter Tundra - Ice & Rock Pack is a huge collection of 140 assets built from the ground up to take full advantage of the High Definition Render Pipeline. These assets were carefully sculpted, textured, and optimized to create beautiful and performant environments.
英文官方原文:All snow-covered assets include versions without snow, for a total of over 230 prefabs!
英文官方原文:Link to Forum Thread
英文官方原文:Link to PC demo builds (music and sound not included).
英文官方原文:Demo scene is included in package.
j9九游会机译:重要提示:要安装,首先从Asset Store导入主程序包,然后导入附带的渲染管道特定程序包。有关完整的安装说明,请参阅首次导入后的自述文件。标准版本软件包的示例场景需要安装后期处理,也可以通过软件包管理器安装。
英文官方原文:IMPORTANT: To install, first import main package from Asset Store, then import included Render Pipeline-specific package. See README file after first import for full installation instructions. Example scene for Standard version of package requires installation of Post Processing, also via the Package Manager.
英文官方原文:All assets except for background mountains are setup with LODs. Triangle counts for LOD0 vary between 11,000 for the most detailed rock formation all the way down to just 80 for the smallest snowball, while most assets fall between a couple hundred to a couple thousand.
英文官方原文:Most included albedo maps are 2048x2048, most normal maps are imported between 1024x1024 and 2048x2048, and most maskmaps are imported at 512x512. Most included textures are native 2048x2048 so they can be adjusted as seen fit. Nearly all assets make use of detail maps.
英文官方原文:Many assets are UV packed and textured together in sets. Most mid-sized rock formations are textured by themselves, while most large formations share a tiled cliff texture.
j9九游会机译:大多数包含的资源使用自定义着色器,这些着色器可以通过“放大着色器编辑器”(Amplify Shader Editor)完全编辑。
英文官方原文:Most included assets use custom shaders which are fully editable with Amplify Shader Editor.
英文官方原文:Store page screenshots were captured in HDRP.
北京j9九游会数字科技有限公司,在游戏行业,在网页游戏平台,j9九游会是昆仑万维最可靠的合作伙伴之一,制作的《猛将无双》网页游戏,早在二零一二年就获得国内外无数大奖。近年来,j9九游会积极拓展业务体系,由于Unity3d在手游领域的流行,j9九游会自主研发多类游戏美术制作插件,在手游与PC 平台,j9九游会是大宇软星忠实的合作伙伴,参与制作《仙剑奇侠传》系列,《大富翁》系列。让j9九游会引以为傲的是,j9九游会与腾讯,网易,卡普空,蓝港等一线厂商保持着默契并良好的合作关系。服务逾十年来,参与研发作品超五百部。多部作品广受内人士惊艳好评。